Golden on the Run
Lost: August 17, 2013
Retrieved: August 30, 2013
Outcome: Returned to Rescue
Case Manager: Devon Thomas Treadwell
Larry is a former puppy mill dog who was rescued through Retrieve a Golden Minnesota(RAGOM). On a warm day in August, Larry escaped his temp foster’s home in rural Annandale, MN, when the resident dog pushed the door open, allowing Larry to bolt through.
As members of RAGOM’s Lost Dog Rapid Response team, we were on-site within four hours, setting up the Missy Trap at the point of flight and placing yard signs at key intersections. The next day, a robocall with a lost-dog alert reached 750 neighbors within a five-mile radius.
After three days without a sighting, Larry was spotted on the temp foster’s property. It was information from an animal communicator that spurred a second sighting and allowed us to place the trap at locations where Larry was likely to be.
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